Spain so far…

We have been back in Spain now for about 8 or 9 weeks I guess and it is treating us well.

The sun is shining (and apart from some adverse weather around Christmas where we had storms that ripped our awning apart 😦 ) we have been enjoying near constant sunshine.

Rather than write about our tales thus far I thought I’d show you some photo’s instead….

004One of our first trips out on arriving back was a trip to Marbella, it felt good to be back in the sun!

001Our main reason to hit Marbella was to take Tinkerbell to a new home. Her owner (our friend from the campsite) sadly died but thankfully we managed to find Tinkerbell a new family who love her to bits 🙂

008After dropping of Tinkerbell we headed into Marbella to meet some friends for lunch…..

003Enjoying the sunrises again…

027And lazy Sunday’s on the beach…

007Daisy was pleased to see us again…

021We are enjoying walking in the hills…

013The larger than life insects!

036And the pretty Christmas lights of Malaga…

024Friends came to stay over Christmas….

001and we enjoyed good food….

004good company….

007We celebrated the winter solstice…

010Making our own hats from ivy!

007And lots of chilling…

001Christmas Day and chilling whilst trying to avoid the storms outside!

014And enjoying the last sunset of 2013…

Happy New Year!!