The temperatures rising…..

Quick weather update – this week is going to be hot, hot, hot….

Forecasts are for 39C which is 102F in old money.

We went to sleep last night with the temperature in the caravan still at 31C (89F) with two fans on Oscar who refuses to settle unless it is 29C or below (I kid you not) and awoke this morning at 5am to a more pleasant 25C

Working in these temperatures when you have no air conditioning (have looked into buying a small unit but they weigh a lot and we are up to the max in weight in terms of towing already) is a matter of steely determination, lots of water and the promise of a dip in the pool at the end of the day.

Not that I am complaining, I just checked the weather for Diss in Norfolk where we were living this time last year and it is a stunning 18C or 64F !!!!

I never knew that it got this hot in Portugal, I’m actually a little shocked by it. We were talking to our dentist last week and she said that average temperatures for July and August are around the 40 – 45C mark (104-113F) blimey and we thought they were having something of a little heatwave this year but sounds like it is actually a little colder than normal!!! 🙂

Ha ha ….. back to melting for me……



2 thoughts on “The temperatures rising…..

  1. Rather you than me! I wouldn’t like the weather to be that hot. It’s supposed to get up to 29 degrees in Ireland in the next couple of days, which means the roads will start melting as that’s just unheard of!

  2. Last night was crazy hot and since the spider on his arm episode hubby wont have the windows open at night so we have to make do with just the two roof vents open!!

    I couldn’t breath for the first half of the night and then the second half had to listen to Oscar getting rather overheated and upset (we have to keep them in at night as there are foxes about)

    So, a bit tired and grumpy today and its due to get hotter by mid week!!! 🙂

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